Welcome to Marina Bay Pilot
Business Improvement District (PBID)

Introduced by the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the Pilot Business Improvement District (PBID) programme aims for stakeholders to take on a more active role in transforming their precincts and activating the surrounding public spaces. Through the PBID programme, the stakeholders of the Marina Bay PBID intends to activate public spaces and collectively organise unique events to inject even more vibrancy into the precinct to cater for the communities’ social and recreational needs, fulfilling their vision to emerge as the best integrated business, employment, lifestyle and recreational destination of choice.


#BAYBONDS Promotions

With a pristine view of the Bay, Marina Bay precinct is a great place to spend time with your loved ones.

Create some wonderful memories over a hearty meal, and strengthen the #BAYBONDS you have with those you care for the most!